Thursday, September 12, 2024

Dell AI Commercial Shows Lack of Intelligence

This is the commercial:

So you have a high-speed passenger train, which runs on electrified track, and it may be blocked by a tree falling across a track that isn't electrified? That makes no sense whatsoever. Which is the same sort of garbage that one may exxpect from AI.


  1. Saw this ad in the wild. What is the big AI thing here? AFAIK the electrified rail lines like this use overhead catenary wires usually, which I didn't see in the video, and the tree would have done the same thing to a diesel-electric, steam, or whatever power source and whatever intelligence is being used, artificial, animal, mineral or vegetable. The ad gets a 2 out of 10 because the video is really clean and well produced, but that is it.

  2. The real problem is not AI but running it under winders... until its hacked.

    Uberfast rail may use third rail power rather than overhead. Both cases the tree is the problem and power outages would be known before the
    Ai (small i as its not all that intelligent) can see it.



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