Saturday, August 10, 2024

Yep, Demented Donnie is Losing His Shit

ETA: Demented Donnie apparently still thinks Biden is running for re-election. Or if he talks enough about it, it'll happen. He's just weird.

The politicians the TOFF mentioned said that the helicopter ride didn't happen.

But there was a bad helicopter ride with a different Black politician, Nate Holden, in 1990. Mr. Holden is tall (Willie Brown is short) and Mr. Holden didn't know Kamala Harris. At the time, Vice President Harris was a year or less out of law school and was working as a junior prosecutor in San Francisco. Mr. Holden is from Los Angeles.

So, in short, Trump is either suffering from dementia and making shit up, or he's lying though his teeth, as he normally does.


  1. I go with dementia. Not once did he describe how he pulled the pilot out of his seat then sat down and personally guided the helo to safety.

  2. I'm modeling delusion for now. Sept. 10 could be interesting.


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