Saturday, August 10, 2024

Will Space Karen Now Sue Former Twitter Users?

After all, if he's thick in the head enough to think he can sue former advertisers, why not sue former users of Twitter?

That might be difficult, since there was no contractual obligation between the parties to begin with and users weren't paying anything to be there, nor were they paid to be there. But no doubt that Space Karen can find some cyber equivalent of an ambulance chaser (or copyright/patent troll) to do his filthy work for him.


  1. I am concerned he will find a way to ... harass the blogs, many of whom are willing participants. I noticed recently though I've never twittered (or faceplanted) Goggle has signed my blind account into it. Everything is so interconnected now I'm worried he'll find a way to shut us down

  2. Reed O'Connor has recused himself and been replaced by Ed Kinkeade, for whatever that's worth.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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