Monday, August 12, 2024

The Trump-Trot (or Gish Gallop)

At Demented Donnie's presser last week, he told 162 lies in 64 minutes. That is close to three fibs a minute, a lie every 23 seconds.

It really is no exaggeration to say that every word that Donald Trump says is a lie, including the articles and conjunctions. He can't not lie about anything and everything. No wonder his lawyers won't let him take the stand; he'd talk himself into multiple perjury charges in a few minutes.

All he does is:

He's just not right in the head, bless his heart.

Meanwhile, he's flying around on Jeffry Epstein's old Gulfstream. Snark seems superfluous.

1 comment:

  1. "Meanwhile, he's flying around on Jeffry Epstein's old Gulfstream." Now *theres* a set of seat cushions that need a (forensic) sniff test.


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