Sunday, August 11, 2024

No, I Believe That He Said "Fucking Bitch."

Former President Donald Trump reportedly has used a slur often targeted at women to describe Vice President Kamala Harris during at least two private conversations. His campaign denies it.

The New York Times cited two people who, on different occasions, heard Trump call Harris a “b——.” The people were granted anonymity to describe private discussions.

Anyone who believes that the TOFF didn't say that hasn't been paying attention for the last nine years. Dolt-45 has little to no regard for women and that is a well-established fact.

Meanwhile, JD Vance got off his couch to protest that the Democrats are engaged in name-calling. Others wondered if Vance had ever met or listened to Trump, who has been hurling insults and engaging in name-calling since he descended his golden escalator.

1 comment:

  1. No Surpise! That it was caught on video is the fun part.
    Now he can deny it as fake.



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