Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Hurricane Forecasts if the FOFF Wins

They'll be made by divination and looking at the entrails of sheep. Because the Christianist conservatives want to get rid of the National Weather Service and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. Which includes the National Hurricane Center. They want to sell off the airplanes used to track and research hurricanes and, in short, turn everything over to the private sector.

At the present time, the fact that anyone can get forecast and weather products for free from the government acts as a check on companies that provide forecasts. If the TOFF and his acolytes kill off the NWS, then the skies will be the limit for what it will cost to get weather information.

I see two basic principles for Projet 2025 and the lunatic who wants to be the FOFF's CoS: Embracing Christian fascism and pushing the selling off of government functions that began under Good Ol' Racist Ronnie.

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