Monday, August 5, 2024

Good Ol' Crooked Clarence, Plus More!

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas failed to publicly disclose additional travel on GOP megadonor Harlan Crow’s private jet, a top Democratic senator who is backing an election-year push to tighten the high court’s ethics rules said Monday.

Thomas and his wife, Virginia, took a round-trip flight between Hawaii and New Zealand in November 2010, according to international flight records maintained by Customs and Border Protection, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., wrote.

Crow has a Bombardier Global Express, which costs roughly ten grand an hour to fly. Washington, DC to New Zealand is a 17,000 mile round-trip, which is over 30 hours of flying. So, three hundred grand, give or take, to make that trip. I doubt if Crow's jet has airline-style seating, plus they probably took a relief crew with them. My SWAG is that Crooked Clarence and QAnon Ginny's seats cost around fifty grand, and you can bet your ass that they weren't paying for hotel rooms or food in New Zealand.

But to hear Crooked Clarence and his friends tell it, Crow gets nothing from showering a sitting Supreme Court justice with such favors. In other words, are you going to believe Clarence or your lying eyes?

In other news, big shocker: Goggle is a monopoly. That took a ten-week trial and a 277-page legal opinion to explain what everyone who has used the Internet in the last 20+ years already knows.

Meanwhile, more rats are leaving the SS Trump:

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign attorney Jenna Ellis, who worked closely with Rudy Giuliani, will cooperate with Arizona prosecutors in exchange for charges being dropped against her in a fake electors case, the state attorney general’s office announced Monday.

Ellis has previously pleaded not guilty to fraud, forgery and conspiracy charges in the Arizona case. Seventeen other people charged in the case have pleaded not guilty to the felony charges — including Giuliani, Trump presidential chief of staff Mark Meadows and 11 Republicans who submitted a document to Congress falsely declaring Trump had won Arizona.

Who wants to go to prison for Giuliani? Nobody, I guess.

Trump's 2020 "election integrity" was a massive criminal enterprise in the service of America's wannabee mob boss.

And, finally, there's something really wrong with Baby RFK. He's just not right in the head.


  1. Just read today that back when all the phony election rigging accusations were going on with the Ghouliani Gang, that when questioned about proof in Arizona, they said they left it back at the motel. Is that the new version of "The dog ate my homework."

  2. RFK JR, I think that brain worm ate something important.


  3. He wasn't firing on all cylinders before the worm got into his head.

    Brain worms, eating dogmeat and dumping dead bears in Central Park. Next, we'll learn that he was kidnapping cats in order to make strings for his violin.


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