Sunday, July 7, 2024

Your Sunday Morning Prop Noise

A Noratlas 2501:


  1. I remember seeing a newsreel video of one of these doing near acrobatics trying to evade Viet Minh AA to drop resupply to Dien Bien Phu, late in that disaster. Couldn't find it, but here is some (narrated by Walter Cronkite) footage of them doing the initial paratroop insertion there

  2. Interesting copy of a C-119... Never actually seen one in the wild! Just a 'hair' smaller and less powerful than the C-119.

  3. According to the C-119 wikipedia page, the video I reference was of a c-119, not a Noratlas...the image shown of paratroopers dropping into Dien Bien Phu (seeming taken from the newsreel) says it was a C-119. In the video today the open door in the aft fuselage is on the right side, but in the newsreel video the paratroopers are jumping out the left side. Are there doors on both sides of these planes? Anybody with more expertise?


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