Monday, July 8, 2024

The Gilligan Astronauts

[A]fter multiple return trip delays, NASA officials said [at the end of June] that the Starliner will remain in space indefinitely while they try to figure out what’s going on.

I don't know if anyone at Felonious Aerospace knows what's going on, you know, the company that crowed that they had so much experience at manned spaceflight.

I'm not up for it, but somebody like Weird Al ought to rework the theme song for Gilligan's Island to fit the crew of Starliner.


  1. It actually makes sense, in that the issues are almost all with the module, not the capsule. The module is jettisoned for reentry, and burns up, so by keeping it up there, they have time to figure everything wrong with it AND potentially inspect elements…plus they get space exposure for the components and can see if everything acts as expected. It is, in the end, making the most out of a fucked up situation. Doesn’t excuse the problems, but it’s nice to see them doing something intelligent about it. Meanwhile, I hope they have good WiFi up there and the astronauts have e-Bills enabled.

  2. Boing Boing Aircraft agrees to plead guilty.


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