Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Two Idiots on One Call

The COFF and Baby Bobby discussed vaccines.

Two scientific ignoramuses at work-- they might as well discussed the origin of neutrinos for all either one of those clowns understood what they were talking about.


  1. Your comment goes to Megan McArdle discussing JD Vance. No mention of vaccines.

  2. Funny how Trump can blame the "Trump Vaccine" for so many alleged problems. The only real problem he has with it is he didn't get enough praise for saying "We need a vaccine."
    Now his new fellow stooge JD Vance says NAFTA was Joe Biden's fault because he voted for it as a Senator. Failing to mention that it was George Bush the First's baby. And he actually complained it didn't get made into law while he was still in office.
    They have more spin than the Tasmanian Devil after a six-pack of energy drinks.


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