Thursday, July 18, 2024

Democrats Who Buy a Tesla Have Rocks in Their Heads

Technology billionaire Elon Musk donated to a super PAC supporting the reelection efforts of former President Trump, according to reporting from Bloomberg.

MAGA Republicans, especially the FOFF, have been very dismissive of electric cars. Space Karen doesn't care about that, he's just more interested in keeping the Billionaires Protection Society going.

So why would any thinking person buy a Tesla from here on out? Let Space Karen sell his cars to Texans, since he's so in love with that state.

Apparently, Tesla owners can buy bumperstickers to deflect criticism about buying a car from that wealthy Christianofascist.

Meanwhile, Tam points out that Space Karen, who styles himself to be a "free speech absolutist", wants people who are mean to him to be sent to prison. He's a typical fascist free speech guy: It's OK to speak your mind as long as you agree with him. That doesn't make him much different from most dictators, or the various iterations of the Taliban, both Muslim and Christian, who think that anyone who doesn't follow their particular flavor of religion deserves to die.


  1. He is succeeding on the path to be a 1900's oil/iron/rail/money barons.
    Most of them were petty nasty pieces of work. Their activities brought the government into monopoly busting, pure foods act, as well as other


  2. And it was a Republican who started the hard work of breaking up monopolies and outlawing adulteration of food and medicine.

  3. A party name change is needed to keep up with their positions and claims. Republicons or Republikans (the NeoFascists).


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