Friday, July 26, 2024

The Hillbilly Liar


  1. i tried to read that book a while ago about a third of the way through it smelled of total bullshit. I wrote him off as a total fraud. How fitting for him standing next to the world's greatest fraud.

  2. He's a hillbilly the same as if I bought a Stetson and called myself a cowboy. Or pin the side of the brim up and then become an Aussie. Seems more likely that redneck might be more appropriate for him. Or just MAGA ideal.

  3. I'll not defend Vance, he's an asshole. But as someone born in Cincinnati and raised in Dayton (30 minutes from JD's house), there were a whole lot of hillbillies around me. Dayton, Cincinnati, and all points around it were where the factory jobs were, and if you wanted to better yourself on a high school (or less) education, that was where you went. I don't know if there's a specific term for it, but if JD were Japanese, he'd be Nisei. I knew a lot like him, and their parents. Some of them served in the military, and used the GI Bill to go to college. None of them went to Yale, though. They did tend to congregate amongst their own, though. Few of them would have turned their back on their own the way he has.


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