Friday, July 26, 2024

BLM Can Go Eat a Bag of Richards

President Joe Biden announced on Sunday that he was leaving the presidential race and endorsed Harris to replace him at the top of the Democratic ticket to face Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, in November. Biden had faced pressure to step aside after a disastrous debate performance last month magnified concerns about the 81-year-old's age and ability to beat Trump and serve a second term.

By Monday evening, Harris had secured the support of enough Democratic delegates to become her party's nominee, The Associated Press reported.

Responding to the development, Black Lives Matter criticized Democrats for not giving voters a say—and called on the Democratic National Committee to host a virtual snap primary ahead of the party's convention in August

Reeeeally smooth move, guys. One of two people will be the 47th president. One of whom has said, repeatedly, that BLM protesters should be shot in the legs. Now you're going to piss off the other person.

It also shows a basic lack of understanding of how conventions and delegates function. Let me recap: Delegates are bound for only the first vote. After that, they can vote for whomever they want. Second, any candidate is free to release his or her delegates in advance of the convention. Nikki Haley got 97 delegates, Ol' Shimp Boots got three (costing his campaign over $12 million apiece). All of them were released by those candidates to vote for the GOP's cult leader.

But, let's face it, the leadership of BLM is comprised of idiots and terrorist sympathizers.

And the pro-Hamas demonstrators can also go eat a bag of rancid richards.


  1. I didn't realize BLM had dissolved into insanity. A free for all convention? Sure guys, that will show them. We had a candidate, Biden, now we have a more lively one, Kamala, and why should we even think about anyone else? Do they have some poor schmuck in mind?

  2. It’s hard to conceive of them becoming a Trumpist sock puppet, but stranger things have happened.

  3. Hah! Now yer gonna turn on the BLM folks because they won't support your party-leader nominated (and anointed) candidate, but rather would like to see the actual democratic process works.

    What a hypocrite.

    (you'll censor this because you don't have the courage to face opinions that differ from yours).

  4. B, I’ve told you before: This is my blog. You do not get to come in here and shit on my floor.

    You want to disagree with me, fine. But when you do it with insults and your white male sense of superiority in full overdrive, then yes, I am going to delete your stupid-ass comments.

    I’ve tolerated a lot from you, over the years. But I will not tolerate your blatant disrespect of me. If you said to somebody, face-to-face, what you would like to say here, I suspect that you would need serious dental work. You are just like your orange mentor, somebody that’s insults substitute for reason.

    I don’t have to tolerate it. I will not tolerate it.

    This comment of yours gets a yellow card. Your succeeding comments get red cards. Whine about it on your own blog, if you like. See if I care.

    As I said earlier: Hit the bricks.

  5. BLM has turned into a Grift.


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