Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Sound of Crickets on the Right

Hunter Biden was convicted Tuesday of all three felony charges related to the purchase of a revolver in 2018 when, prosecutors argued, the president’s son lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs.
President Joe Biden said in a statement issued shortly after the verdict that he would accept the outcome and “continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal.

You'll hear crickets because Hunter Biden's conviction doesn't fit in with the Right Wing Noise Machine's constant bleating that President Biden has "weaponized" the justice system to go after the poor, Poor Old Convicted (and Senile) Fat Fuck and the J6 coup-attempt terrorists.

Even more damning for the "DoJ is weaponized against MAGA" bozos, according to Dan Abrams of ABC News, there has not been a single other conviction of lying on a Form 4473 when there was only one gun purchased and the gun wasn't used in a subesequent crime. So a fair argument can be made that this case was brought by a MAGA-fueled special prosecutor who was intent on chalking up a win on a bullshit charge. Except the Democrats aren't claiming that, so, move along.


  1. "Crickets on the right". It's been on the radio all day.

  2. Its been saturation covered, so the crickets are using the media
    to make noise. The back channel is a bit of echo chamber.

    Me thinks the right has a problem where their guy should get
    away with it but zapping a Biden is kool but contradicts
    the other guys convition. Classic they want it both ways
    but didn't get that.


  3. Hell , I'd venture to say an extremely large percentage of gun buyers in our hypocritical country are guilty of the same crime. Of course addiction to alcohol,weed or opioids aren't even considered by many abusers.

  4. The righties comments in the Detroit News today mainly consist of "This shows that the Biden's are a crime family" and "The lap top is real." Also "It's all smoke and mirrors to distract from Joe Biden's crimes pretending he is all in for law and order."

  5. I fully expect the next bit of fuckery to be at sentencing.
    Maximum allowed sentences, to be served *consecutively*.
    What they want is to goad Biden into breaking his pledge of not granting a pardon.

  6. Then they are idiots. Biden can commute his sentence, like Chimpy did for Scooter.


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