Monday, June 3, 2024

Pets and Death

If this piece doesn't touch your heart in some way, then you are probably someone that I would rather not know.

(Yes, it has nothing to do with cats, specifically. But that is the label that is close enough.)


  1. Touched a nerve with me, and timely. For my wife's birthday on Saturday, I made a large picture frame and filled it with photos of all the pets we have been with over the years. It took over 4 hours of sifting through old photos in albums, pictures in envelopes, and others scattered loosely in two storage bins. Looking through those brought many lumps in my throat, and some watery eyes. All of our pets became a part of the family for their time here. I got attached to them more than I thought, but I do realize it now.


  2. Damn. I hate to start the day crying. I had my own “best dog in the world.”

  3. Reminds me on the many pets that have gone across the rainbow bridge
    of the many years. They are still a part of me and reminds me of
    life as it was.

    I found the other day a blue fuzzy mouse thing that Sammy would
    bat around. Made a hook from a coat hanger to fetch it out. The
    question remains how did it get so far behind the bed frame as
    its tight to the wall and doesn't move. A cat mystery.

    Then a remember the bitch noem murdering a puppy. The brings up a
    lot of anger. That is a person I really never want to meet.


  4. Comrade, I lost mine five years ago, but I still go to her grave and talk to her. I love our two new dogs, but they aren’t quite there.

  5. Cats go hide somewhere when they know their time is up. We are on our fourth and last generation of cats because it gets too hard.

  6. Comrade Misfit:
    We are not in agreement on a lot of what you post on your blog, but as this post touched your heart like it touched mine, then I’d say that we both love animals. Therefore it seems to me that we are both aligned on things that really matter and the world’s a better place because of that. Have two goofy rottie’s that make my worst days better. I bet if more folks understood and had an appreciation for the love of an animal in their lives, the whole world might be a better place? A long shot I know, but….

  7. That tugged so many heartstrings.........Loved them all and I still can't quite let go.

  8. Sometimes I wonder if we really deserve the love our pets give us.


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