Sunday, June 9, 2024

Noem's Nazis

Oh, she says that they're not her people, but the difference between the far-right and Nazis is a matter of quibbling.

Those who are proud of what they stand for don't need to wear masks.


  1. My dad was wounded while fighting the Japanese on Eniwetok Atoll. I have his Purple Heart that symbolizes the pain, blood, and sacrifice that so many made to protect and preserve democracy here and abroad. He never talked about his time in the service, but I could see the cost - the toll it took on him in his eyes when the subject came up.

    These pusillanimous pukes and despicable cowards deserve only our disgust and revulsion.

    From the

    State House Majority Leader Will Mortenson, who lives in Fort Pierre, a city adjacent to the state capitol, also commented on the situation.

    "I don't know what rock they crawled out from under, but they aren't welcome here," he said. "Time to move along."

    But where should they go? I'll fork over some cash to help buy them plane tickets to Russia or North Korea or any other dictatorship of their choice. The irony of wanting free speech to do away with free speech is beyond the pale. And wanting to hate, do harm, and discriminate against "others" should never ever be allowed to happen. But it still is and I don't hold out any hope it will end in my lifetime.

    There is no room for their hate and intolerance, but it's been with us since the 1930's and passed down to form the many Nazi sympathizing and activist groups that exist today.

  2. If those Nazis can’t get over to Russia or North Korea, maybe they can get some comped rooms at Mar-a-Lago. They would be welcome there.

    Those clowns profess to worship Hitler. They should join him. Take 100 guys from the National Guard, equip them in period-correct Army issue for 1944, fix 10” bayonets on their Garands and order the charge.

  3. I agree with the other commenters as to the worthlessness of the pinheads on our capitol steps. Why do you insist on calling them "Noem's Nazis"? I'm not a great fan of our Governor but I find it odd that most of her detractors are loser females jealous of her success......


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