Sunday, June 9, 2024

Miss Lindsey Loses His Mind and Shits on the D-Day Veterans

This is what he said:

We celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day. It was a failure. It was the unnecessary war, described by Winston Churchill. We had a dozen chances to stop Hitler.

If you read the transcrpt, it's pretty clear that Lindsey Graham has lost his mind. D-Day was a failure because the rest of the world didn't stop Hitler earlier? That's just fucking bananas.

Let's be clear about this, too: One of the reasons that Hitler was not stopped earlier was because Graham's party obstructed every move to do so until Germany committed geopolitical seppuku and declared war on the United States. Without that, we would have been fighting Japan and funnelling aid to the British Commonwealth and the Soviet Union over the objections of Republicans, who were as pro-isolationist and pro-fascist then as they have become again.


  1. An astounding demonstration of ignorance of history.
    He should be taken out and flogged.


  2. It appears to me, that half of the American voting public needs flogged . For voting such ignorance into office.


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