Friday, June 28, 2024

Judges Who Know Nothing About Scientific or Technical Areas Now Get to Rule on Shit That They Are Completely Ignorant About

The illegitimate bastards on the Supreme Court are continuing their judicial power grab.

The Supreme Court on Friday upended a 40-year-old decision that made it easier for the federal government to regulate the environment, public health, workplace safety and consumer protections, delivering a far-reaching and potentially lucrative victory to business interests.

The court’s six conservative justices overturned the 1984 decision colloquially known as Chevron, long a target of conservatives who have been motivated as much by weakening the regulatory state as social issues including abortion. The liberal justices were in dissent.
The heart of the Chevron decision says federal agencies should be allowed to fill in the details when laws aren’t crystal clear. Opponents of the decision argued that it gave power that should be wielded by judges to experts who work for the government.

The Supreme Court majority is an ideological one. They twist the facts, the law and precedent to fit their ideology. And when neither the facts nor the law nor precedent suits their needs, they just forge ahead, regardless. They know nothing about what they opine on, as Gorsuch proved.

Which is why 70% of Americans view the Supremes as operating based on their twisted far-right ideology.

1 comment:

  1. Its part of Project 2025, break down the power of bureaucracy
    formed to apply law.

    That means EPA and a long list of others so they can't
    get in COFFs way.



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