Sunday, June 23, 2024

Free Graphic for Louisiana Educators

Just copy, print and post in classrooms.

Yer welcome.


  1. Far as I know it doesn't say it must be English. That it opens
    the battle for other religions as posted earlier.

    I for one would love to see that cat fight.


  2. Bad Tux is all over this. Turns out it's the Protestant version, KJV...he gives all three.

  3. Nope, the actual law specifies the exact text that must be displayed in classrooms. It is the Protestant version from the King James Bible, in Elizabethan English. Yeah, classrooms in predominantly Catholic South Louisiana must display what is to them a heretical version of the Ten Commandments rather than the One True Version blessed by the Holy Church lol.

    The bigotry is astounding but unsurprising. Bigotry against Catholics and Jews on the part of the evangelical Christian community is the norm, not the exception. The only reason they support Israel is because according to their theocracy, the Jews must be in Israel in order to be destroyed by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse before all the true Christians (i.e. only them) can be levitated to the heavens like moldy helium balloons.

  4. Oh, the civil rights lawsuits will be epic. And the state will have to pay the plaintiffs’ legal fees.

    Pass the popcorn.

  5. The Supreme Court seems to like originalism... It would make a nice reductio ad absurdum all by itself given recent rulings. Every time I run into a bible thumper, I want to ask them if they can read Aramaic, Latin and the other languages of the bible.


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