Thursday, May 30, 2024

Teflon Don No More:
Former President and Convicted Felon Donald Fucking Trump.

Between finally taking my new .32 to the range (it shot well, but the big dot front sight will take getting used to) and then coming out of the range to find my phone blowing up with texts and news alerts, it was a good day.

Donald Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime on Thursday when a New York jury found him guilty of falsifying documents to cover up a payment to silence a porn star ahead of the 2016 election.
After deliberations over two days, the 12-member jury announced it had found Trump guilty on all 34 counts he faced. Unanimity was required for any verdict.
[Judge] Juan Merchan set sentencing for July 11, days before the July 15 start of the Republican National Convention expected to formally nominate Trump for president.

The old naming convention in newspapers held that they dropped the honorific of "Mr." for convicted felons. Until he does his time and pays his fines, he can't vote in Florida. And if he holds up a gun, that's possession by a felon, I believe.

"He's the grumpy trumpy felon from Jamaica in Queens."

New York, New York is a hell of a town,
The Bronx is up and Trump is down,
Lock him up in a hole in the ground,
New York, New York, it's a hell of a town!


  1. I'll celebrate when the key turns in the lock of his prison cell. But, you're right, a very good day for the rule of law.

  2. If it were me the echo from the cell doors would be painful.
    But hes tecnhically rich does that mean he gets away with
    something that could get me 4-25?

    I will not be happy until hes locked up for a year and a day.


  3. My new bumper sticker:


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