Friday, May 10, 2024

Maybe They'll Name a School "Ho Chi Minh Junior High"

A Virginia school board voted Friday to restore the names of Confederate military leaders to a high school and an elementary school, four years after the names were removed amid nationwide protests calling for a reckoning over racial injustice.

In a reversal experts believe was the first of its kind, Shenandoah County’s school board voted 5-1 to rename Mountain View High School as Stonewall Jackson High School and Honey Run Elementary as Ashby Lee Elementary.

At least Ho Chi Minh wasn't fighting to enslave Americans, which those two honorees were.

I guess those morons would have no issues with Norwich, CT renaming a school after Benedict Arnold, since he was from there.

The South is awfully proud of having fought for the right of rich white Southerners to own Black people.


  1. ... and failed.

    Winners call the rules.


  2. I never could figure out why the named any U.S. military installations after those that fought against the U.S. They were traitors to the U.S. and their oaths. They were Democrats then but now their descendants are the Republicans. And some seem to have kept the Traitor Trait.

  3. They named those bases during WW1, when Wilson was president. He was the most racist president since Jackson. He segregated the civil service. Only Nixon and Trump, since then, have come close to being as racist and antisemitic as Wilson.


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