Friday, May 10, 2024

Connecticut: Corruption Gets a Leg-Up, Again

Connecticut lawmakers passed a measure in the final hours of the 2024 legislative session that would roll back a reform that Gov. Ned Lamont’s administration pushed for after the state’s school construction program became the subject of a federal criminal investigation.

A single sentence change in a 254-page bond bill will, if signed by the governor, allow construction managers — the companies that oversee most state building projects — to also bid on the subcontracts for school construction.

That type of contracting, which is frequently referred to as “self-performance,” was advocated for by Kosta Diamantis, the former director of the state’s school construction office who resigned in the wake of the federal grand jury investigation.

The corruption-enabling legislator, State Rep. Jeff Currey, stated that there are "safeguards" to prevent self-dealing, but they haven't worked before and only a low-wattage chucklehead would argue as he did.

So then, is Currey really that stupid, that idealistic, or is he getting something out of this? Somebody should consider looking into this, that that person whould have the letters "F","B" and "I" in the name of the agency that they work for.

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