Friday, May 31, 2024

Because It's Friday

CP 2816:

Please, people: Invest in a tripod. Serviceable ones are cheap enough. (Or use a phone with image stabilization.)

1 comment:

  1. AND:
    Pan slowly
    Adjust camera direction slowly
    Zoom slowly.

    Video is hard. EVERYTHING needs to be pre-arranged, planned for, staged. You can point and shoot for stills, rapid-fire and throw away 95% of your shots...and stun people with the perfect shot. Video is stone-cold bitch: miss one shot frame, have one photo-bomb, jerk the tripod, not set up the pan head friction right, the list goes on and on. With stills you can capture life; with video you have to stage it....and get it so right that it seems (ha-ha) natural.


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