Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Women: Republican Men Value Your Fetus Over You

The Texas supreme court on Monday overturned a lower court’s ruling that would have allowed a pregnant woman to get an emergency abortion under the medical exception for the state’s near-total abortion ban, granting a petition by Republican attorney general Ken Paxton.

And there it is. If your doctor thinks that you need an abortion to protect your health and/or to preserve your fertility, the men in the Cult of the Fetus will demand the right to sit in judgment of you. In essence, unless you can prove to those men that you're going to die, no abortion for you. Even if your doctor says you're going to die, if the judges in the State Fetal Review Court disagree, anyone who helps you will run the risk of going to prison.

Someone who is good with graphic design should remake the Texas state seal to show a fetus in the center.

Remember the official motto of Texas: Once Yer Born, Yer On Yer Own, Kid.


  1. The actual opinion is quite enlightening. It talks about how the attorney and that judge can’t determine what is dangerous or not, only a doctor can. Then it proceeds to dismiss the doctors opinion…let’s see, only a doctor can judge, not a judge, but a Republican Supreme Court judge can judge better than a doctor can judge. Honestly, I wish she would come back and get arrested so this whole thing could be hashed out…but I also don’t want her to risk it.

    I do think the Supremes would balk at this bridge, but you never know.

  2. I hope the Dems hang this around the Rethug’s neck like a rotting albatross.

  3. CP88, Paxton was indicted in 2015 and still hasn't gone to trial. They have some fear, reservations or something about bringing a Republican scoundrel into court. Maybe getting TFG into the court room for his actual trial might spur them along by showing it really can be done but their non-spoken excuse will still be that he is in office.

  4. Its not only the Dems but all people with decency need to hang that albatross.

    The sick part is regard less of Paxton and his club the rad right
    will likely hound Mrs Cox to the edges of the earth. For that
    they should get a pox and suffer.


  5. Isn't being forced to give birth to a known dead fetus some kind of torture? I'd think so anyway. There should be some kind of law against what they are doing to this poor woman. I'm happy she had the ability to move out of state. Not everyone does. Maybe we could get back at them with a cruel and unusual punishment charge? I know someone has to put a stop to this.

  6. w3ski, cruelty is the point. It is their objective. Women who are going into sepsis have to lie there and suffer until the hospital committee, the lawyers and maybe the judges have deemed that they are sick enough to warrant an abortion.


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