Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Sixty Years Ago

Sixty years ago today, John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. This is what I wrote about that fifteen years ago.

One of my cousins was about to have a birthday party when the news broke. My cousin's reaction was along the lines of "so much for this day ever being about me." (I once knew a guy whose family was going to throw him a big party for his fortieth birthday on the afternoon of September 11, 2001.)

Some of us haven't forgotten the reaction among the American Right over the news. Back then, we'd calll them "the far-Right" and "the Birchers", but these days, the moderate wing of the Republican party doesn't seem to be visible.


  1. 60 years ago is firmly in memory. Same exceptional case of an
    announcement over the PA system.

    I also remember all the nutzoids comming out at the time most
    notable we the far right.

    Being old and healthy the memory of back when and the understanding
    of what it all meant over time, and what it would lead to.


  2. I was made aware of the President's death at school in 5th grade. I wasn't politically active yet and didn't know about the Birchers at the time. I would like to know how they reacted. Was it with glee or were they ready to start WW3? Hard to tell with nut cases like that.


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