Thursday, June 8, 2023

Smoky Wildfires

Ten Bears noted on his blog that the Usual Gang of Idiots at Fox News are deriding people who are wearing masks to protect themselves from wildfire smoke from Canada.

The reason for wearing a mask is to protect the wearer from inhaling fine particles of wildfire smoke. That's it. It's a personal choice. If you feel like not wearing a mask and going for a run when the AQI is hovering around 400, knock yerself out. It's no skin off my nose. And it's probably not as dangerous as riding a motorcycle sans helmet while wearing flip-flops and shorts, or "Mexican-carrying" a Glock.

Havins said that, wearing a surgical-grade blue mask, especially one that doesn't cover one's booger-factory, is akin to having a town crier precede one with a bell whilst yelling "Here cometh a moron."


  1. The number of people wearing masks over mouth only, leaving their noses in the open, is mind blowing. I’d just love to know what, if anything, is going the through their heads.


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