Saturday, April 22, 2023

Texas is For Morons

Every classroom in Texas could be made to display the Ten Commandments prominently, after lawmakers advanced a proposal to push more religion into schools.

A parallel bill also approved by the Republican-controlled Texas senate on Thursday would require educational establishments to set aside time every day for students and employees to read the Bible or other religious manuscripts, or to pray.

I'd like to see them read aloud, with emphasis on Nos. 8 and 9, from the floor of the Texas statehouse every hour that they're in session. But that's the thing about those publicly-pious clowns; they spend an hour in church each week showing their faithfulness to their lord Jesus and then they spend the remaining 167 hours of each week doing things that would make Jesus pound his head against a wall.


  1. I’m willing to wager that quite a few of them have done No. 7 also.


  2. You missed the fact the Texas House Education Committee also just advanced a bill to allow schools to hire Chaplains in place of Counselors. Also, nothing in the Bill (TX SB 1396) seems to allow anything other than the Bible, although prayer is not specifically limited to Judeo-Christian prayer.

  3. Satanist (or Pastafarian) lawsuit in 3..2..1

  4. Will the also be enforcing their pick of the proper version of the Ten Commandments. Since due to different translations over the centuries there are differences in the wording and the translators preferences. Even the numbering seems to vary a little. Why would one think only the fundamentalist WASP version will be acceptable? Forced religion or patriotism does not result in either patriots or religious people, just actors.

  5. I love my state, but the citizens are dicks.


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