Saturday, April 8, 2023

Somebody's Jealous For Not Getting a Shoe Contract

Jealousy or hypocrisy?

But if Jenner got one, would she have to then slam Nike for giving her a contract because it's "woke" to recognize a transgendered woman?

Or she's a fucking quisling.

If Jenner hates transgendered people so much, given that she, herself, is one, then maybe she needs to invest in intensive therapy to get over what would seem to be self-hatred, instead of running her mouth in a futile attempt to stay relevant with the MAGA Morons -- "Yes, I'm trans, but I'm really one of you!"


  1. She suffers from rich white celebrity syndrome. It allows her to be a
    hypocrite with a dose of but not me.

    Quisling is not harsh enough. Someone I knew had a word for her,
    asshole, and followed with "that word is genderless".


  2. Is he really tranny, or did he just take a bunch of estrogen and grow boobs?

    One out of nine circles is reserved for those who profit off others' pain ...

  3. Ten Bears, I don’t know if Jenner has had surgery. It matters not a whit, she’s a treacherous asshole.


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