Friday, March 24, 2023

The Asset Calls for Violence If/When He's Charged

Former president Donald Trump warned early Friday of “potential death & destruction” if he is charged in Manhattan in a criminal case related to alleged hush-money payments to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels to conceal an affair. ... In a separate post Thursday, Trump criticized those who have called for his supporters to remain peaceful.

Classic, really. A man who has never gotten his hands dirty doing anything (other than counting his filthy lucre), has never been in any kind of fight other than beating up and raping women, wants his supporters to run the risk of being arrested, if not shot, for him. He's conveniently forgetting that people are still going to prison for his last riot. As I mentioned yeasterday, there are a good number of prisons that have been closed in recent years that can be used to hold these assholes.


  1. I’m waiting for him to announce that no one will notice when he shoots himself in the middle of Fifth Avenue. (he’llprobably miss)

  2. Trumpanzees are not the only people with guns.

    Just saying.


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