Thursday, March 23, 2023

Funny Thing

Network news is all over the shooting in Denver where the only fatality was the perp, but as to the six road workers killed in Maryland... bupkus.

I understand about editorial judgment and that I have no more right to tell them what stories they cover than do you, Gentle Readers.[1] First Amendment and all that, y'all.

Having said that, there is a belief among gunnies that the "mainstream meadia" is conducting a PR campagaign to denigrate gun owners and agitate against civilian ownership of firearms. Stuff like this plays into that belief.

[1] Though some have tried, from time to time.


  1. I can safely reveal
    That I’m part of the conspiracy. There’s a reason you never hear of the eggbeater massacre of St Louis, or the Killer Martens of St. George, Utah.

  2. Cars don't kill people, people kill people ...


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