Friday, December 23, 2022

Stupid People With Too Much Free Time

KILLINGWORTH [CT] —“In the spirit of peace and goodwill this Christmas,” PETA is asking the town to change the name of its famed Roast Meat Hill Road to “Roast Vegan Hill Road.”

In a letter to First Selectman Nancy Gorski, a PETA representative offered to help pay for new signage and “to hold a giveaway of tasty vegan ham sandwiches in town if you agree!”

"Vegan ham" is an oxymoron that was uttered, in this care, by a human moron.

Beyond that, wouldn't "Roast Vegan" be an endorsement of cannibalism?

Here's hoping that the Town's Board of Selectmen round-files that request.


  1. Well, When it comes down to it, Vegans are the closest thing we have to a free-range, organic, meat supply in case of dire emergency, and roasting is likely a proper way to prepare them.

  2. You are, as they say, Aaron, 'welcome to try ... ;-)

  3. if why wants her sign (besides STUPID!) it will
    cost something north of 10-20K.


    THe 144 people on that road would ahve to change:

    Mail address,
    Tax address (local, state, and federal),
    Voter registration address,
    Notify all their vendors and people they pay of the new addres,
    Licenses (drivers and others),
    SSA, addresse,
    Credit card companies,

    And so on.

    Just because some dumb bunny doesn't like a street name and
    cannot think what impact comes beyond some wishful thinking.


  4. Elk!, but sometimes it’s worthwhile. Like when Bogalusa LA changed a small section of its Main Street to MLK Jr. Blvd. it just happened the Grand Knights of the KKK had an address on that section of the street…


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