Sunday, September 4, 2022

Government of the Rich, By the Rich, For the Rich

They're not even trying to hide it in the Country Formerly Known as Great Britain:

Truss seems to think that England is going to forge out on its own in global affairs. That's going to be a heavy lift, given the continual cutbacks to the RN. The British Navy is less than half the size of the French navy. Columbia, Egypt, india, and Thailand, among others, have larger navies than the Brits. They also have larger armies.

The British economy has fallen behind the rest of Europe. The British people seem to have been sold a bill of goods about Brexit. But there is no going back to the EU, not on the terms that the British once had. My guess is that if they did want to rejoin the EU, they would be required to adopt the Euro and rejoin the Schengen area. For they are not much more than California with nuclear weapons.

But yeah, I am waiting for Pie's video on Truss as PM.


  1. You should mention the HMS Prince of Wales getting towed back to port. Not the best tool for power projection.

    To be fair, it did almost clear the Channel.

  2. Act II happens in November when we see if America is as foolish and stupid as the Brits were with Brexit.

  3. Try this video.

  4. Act II may be an attempt to restore BoJo via a vote of no confidence in Liz, already being mooted by the 1922 Committee..this could get really messy, and the next UK general election could make Reagan vs Carter look like a close run thing.

  5. Who you gonna believe....The Tories or your lying' eyes.


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