Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Wheels Grind Slowly

The U.S. Justice Department announced civil rights charges Thursday against four Louisville police officers over the drug raid that led to the death of Breonna Taylor, a Black woman whose fatal shooting contributed to the racial justice protests that rocked the U.S. in the spring and summer of 2020.

The charges are another effort to hold law enforcement accountable for the killing of the 26-year-old medical worker after one of the officers was acquitted of state charges earlier this year

Three of the cops falsified documents before and/or after the botched raid and lied to the FBI about it (always a bad idea). The fourth cop retreated from the apartment, went around a corner in the corridor and then fired through the wall into the apartment. One would have to be a master apologist for the cops to come up with a rationale why blindly firing through a wall was acceptable. But that seemed to be OK in Kentucky.

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