Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) was the only senator to vote against a resolution on Wednesday backing Finland’s and Sweden’s entry to NATO.
The Senate approved the resolution in a 95-1 vote. One senator, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), voted present.
Good Ol' Josh, rasing his fist to support Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Because make no mistake about it, that was the practical effect of what he did.
Of course, America's Young Pioneer babbled on about China being a larger threat, even though it happens to be Russia that is engaging in trying to conquer a neighbor, and that's why we need to not worry about what the Russians are doing. Yet, when it came to North Montenegro's joining NATO in 2019, he voted yes; he wasn't as concerned about the threat from China (or appeasing Putin), probably because his Orange Overlord was in office.
Rand Paul has never ever been "Present". He's from an alternate universe. Now if he would just move back, please!