Friday, August 5, 2022

Sinema Has the Hedge-Fund Guys' Back

Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Democrat of Arizona, announced on Thursday evening that she would support moving forward with her party’s climate, tax and health care package, clearing the way for a major piece of President Biden’s domestic agenda to move through the Senate in the coming days.

To win Ms. Sinema’s support, Democratic leaders agreed to drop a $14 billion tax increase on some wealthy hedge fund managers and private equity executives that she had opposed, change the structure of a 15 percent minimum tax on corporations, and include drought money to benefit Arizona

It's a pretty safe bet whose money has been funding Sinema's campaigns. Not that there's anything wrong with that, Sammy Alito and the Supremes have said that money is speech. But it's worth noting of her three demands, only one arguably directly benefits her constituents. As to the rest, they fit the first princible of politics:


  1. I loved Bloom County, and this was one of the best.

    - Borepatch

  2. Whistling Scott Joplin's The Entertainer, theme for the movie The Sting.

    If they pull this off it is to be admired. Blind-sided it back in their faces.

    I love a good sucker-punch ...


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