Friday, August 5, 2022

A Man Has Got to Know His Limitations

Madison Cawthorn, sure as fuck, does not.

This makes no sense on so many levels. This is nothing more than LARPing with firearms. Tam is right; the only good thing for Maddy is that, in a wheelchair, he's less likely to trip over his clown shoes.


(Origin of the title of this post.{They could have blown up Hal Holbrook with him carrying a cheaper gun.})


  1. I watched that, seriously, its how you would get killed.

    However if you want to play at swat and bad guys,
    who am I to say its not fun.

    I've seen some mil LARP and often it pretty funny
    when someone tries to do to do it and makes a
    colossal mess of it.


  2. What is he training for? A job on Fox News.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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