Thursday, April 28, 2022

Vomiting These Down, Here


  1. I'm mostly Vegan these days because I grew up shooting animals. All kinds of animals: deer, elk, bear; duck, geese, pheasant (ok, not animals, but...); rabbits, rattlesnakes, squirrels (don't shoot squirrels, bark squirrels ~ got nothin' to do with their chatter); fair share of fish.

    I support the right to arm bears ...

  2. Mechanized agriculture kills many times the number of wild animals that hunters kill. But seldom Bambi and his mom and thumper so who cares? Pulverized, wasted, uneaten small game under the combine or harvester blades is never noticed or commented on. Do vegans care at all for that wildlife? Or do they only protest when big animals are killed and eaten for food?


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