Thursday, April 28, 2022

Interesting, But Take With a Pinch of Salt

One of the biggest and longest-standing series of lies that have come out of the Five O'Clock Follies in both the Vietnam and Afghanistan wars were the body counts. I have no confidence that Ukranian PAOs are any more honest than American ones.


  1. Oryx has a comprehensive list of destroyed equipment. I read from other sources that as many as 15,000 Russian soldiers have died in Putin's war. The old adage, "truth is the first casualty of war" applies, but it seems that the Ukrainians are making the Russians a deep and unexpected price...

    Two links, the first one is an English language based in Kyiv. The second is the Oryx site...

  2. Ten (10) percent (%) of their standing Army, that'll take a big grain of salt.

    I can see half that though. This is a great opportunity to reassess.

    We won't ...


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