Monday, April 25, 2022

It Was All Because of Billionaire Butthurt?

Did Musk buy Twitter because he couldn't get some kid to stop tracking his private jet?

Here's the first part of it as a screenshot in case Musk makes everybody saying bad things about him go away (the same way TOFF does on his failing service):


  1. Still Taking Bets

    The book, the mark, is when Donald Drumpf uck twits again ...

  2. I really hope he doesn't completely bollix Twitter, as I find it useful and informative, without even having an account.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. To ensure Musk's evil no plane tracking scheme fails, the kid now also posts on Instagram, FB and two other sites. So when the billionaire supervillain brings back his ugly orange pal and bans the tracking kid from twit he'll still be tracked.

  4. And in reaction to the sale, two of my favorite Twitter accounts are inaccessible now; Pamela Merritt took hers private and Blue Girl deleted hers.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. It may be months before Musk the Megalomaniac gets his mitts on the controls of Twitter, so leaving is premature.

  6. I disagree. Climbing out of a cesspool is always a good thing. Never signing up is even better. Same with FB. Vote with your feet.


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