Monday, January 17, 2022

We Shall See, MLK Ed.

He was right, the very same clowns trying to make it harder for people to vote posted this:
I think most of them will try to ignore the day, if not silently cheer on the clown that did this:


  1. They can lift fingerprints from the keypad used to program those traffic controllers ...

  2. The Rude Pundit's annual MLK would fuck your shit up post:

    "Martin Luther King was a radical motherfucker and we have not yet fully grappled with his insights into the nature of race in this backsliding nation."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. As opposed to the White Liberals telling us what MLK meant?

    Or the blacks who weren't there and who never met him, nor endured the hardships that he (and other black people of the time) did, and who are less that 20 years old tell us his meaning?

  4. Or this unlovely piece of two faced meretricious horseshit from the hind-brain governor of TX:

    In VA, there's this gem: A Republican legislator in Virginia who campaigned against critical race theory introduced a bill that incorrectly said the Lincoln-Douglas debates were between Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.

    The jibe of 'room temperature IQ' falls short...the clown's is in the minus digits.

    Will the last thinking American to leave, please turn off the lights? They seem to be unnecessary.

  5. B, you have your own blog for your rantings.

    (Dr. King, one might observe, was not killed by a liberal or a Black man.)

  6. Now THAT'S funny. B, trying to make MLK into a conservative icon. So dense, the irony just doesn't register.



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