Tuesday, March 23, 2021

What Is It With These White Guys?

What is it with these white guys? Why is it almost always white guys who, when having a bad day, think it is appropriate to pick up a gun and murder strangers?

By the way, when someone says "common-sense gun laws," my inclination is to save time and just skip ahead to a stance of "go fuck yourself, not going to happen." Because when someone says "this is common sense," what they are doing is denigrating and trying to marginalize anyone who might have a quibble with what they propose.


  1. Nothing like the right to have fun bang tools.

  2. Maybe it’s time to ut access to the ballot on an equal fotting with access to firearms.

  3. No common sense was demonstrated by the shooter. What he did was illegal and already outlawed. What kind of "new" law could have prevented this?
    I understand people are outraged but more gun laws just aren't the answer. Plenty already.
    How about some mental health legislation? Maybe make it easy and common to call in a mental health check on this kind of person, before they go off the deep end.
    Maybe we should blame the person for a change, and not the tool?
    Just saying.

  4. Mmm, if it wasn’t a white guy who did it he wouldn’t have lived to be taken into custody.

  5. There have been seven by definition ~ four or more casualties ~ mass shootings in the past seven days. WTF is going on.

  6. White guy with a Achmed name... might be a clue there.
    Yes stereotype, so it happens to apply.

    Look for and at the motivation to do so.
    I do not buy insanity or the really asinine he
    was having a bad day defense.

    Just me but its angry men, that need a real life
    as in grounded in reality and not some made up
    social justice wacknut. There maybe some copycat
    as well. On the conspiracy myth front a few might
    have been recruited or otherwise encouraged to
    follow their weak mind by others.

    Gun laws, last I've read there are over 20,000
    some say 50,000 laws and they as a large group make
    poor sense and are not enforceable before the
    fact and often after. The basic laws are still
    the root for charges of the actual crime as in
    murder, assault, and robbery. Adding a weapon
    [Any even sharpened stick] should increase the
    degree that the terms of imprisonment or other
    penalty. So without new gun laws buying a gun
    using it to murder is premeditated manslaughter,
    or whatever the words are for the highest form
    of deliberate murder.

    I happen to like the idea of national carry permit.
    Then I'd not have to beg forgiveness crossing state
    lines just like driving a car, flying a plane. Then
    there would be maybe 15,000 less stupid so called
    gun laws.

    Some of the rest is just the gun grabbers seeking
    an opportunity to do their blood dance. Their moto
    is we need a law, a useless and annoying one will do.

    Some of the slightly more intelligent ones are seeking
    to make guns into the new STD (sexually transmitted disease)
    and therefor unfashionable stigma.

    sigh,rant over.


  7. And yet, it wasn't a "White Guy" who wasn't shot and killed, but rther taken inot custody, was it DA??

    Kinda blows your meme outa the water.

  8. https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/23/us/boulder-colorado-shooting-tuesday/index.html

    Maybe you should have your eyes examined, B. He sure as hell looks white to me.

  9. Y'awl look alike to me. I didn't start this race bullshit, only been putting up with all my life. Blind hogs and acorns, much as it pains me I agree with *. Since there's no getting away from it, "race" matters, unless Semite is now white ...

  10. Funny, he doesn't to me.

    But then again, I don't think the cops care, really. Despite your claims, he was a shooter, and that's all they knew or cared about.

    Mass Shooters get killed if they don't surrender. Simple.

    I'm sorry you can only see skin color.

  11. B,

    Sarcasm is not a meme.
    Since you do not know the difference between fact or fantasy
    likely sarcasm is lost on you.

    All that be said you still in lala land.

    Makes less difference what color he may be its the whole
    run off and shoot up people that has me asking whats up
    with these men? I don't expect you to answer as you
    will find some RQP alter-truth to fit.



  12. Funny, he doesn't to me.


  13. He is rather pale, not unlike his brother.

    Still a murdering person.


  14. Now that we have established that "semite" is white, and in-as-much-as the indians ~ India indians ~ consider themselves white ~ the original Aryans ~ it follows that all terrorism is white terrorism. There's no damned difference.

    Still waiting on whatever it is that prevents them from interbreeding.

  15. And, it appears he drove past many supermarkets to target this one.....which advertized “Your One-Stop Shop For Kosher Groceries.”.

    Amost like, after he Swore his Allegiance to ISIS, he was targeting Jews.....But that, of course doesn't matter to the Media.
    But do you hear the Media decrying the Jew Hate like they are the (Newly made up) "AAPI" hate?

  16. You do realize, don't you, that "white" and "Muslim" are not mutually-exclusive categories?

    For that's kind of what you seem to be arguing, B.

  17. B, I didn’t realize that following Islam made someone non-white.

  18. " I didn’t realize that following Islam made someone non-white."

    Nope, it doesn't.

    But being an immigrant fron Syria makes less likely that he was "White"....

    I realize that you wanted him to be a Conservative white gyy named "Bubba" from Appalacia, but, sorry, he wasn't. I know you are disappointed that he doesn't fit the liberal idea of who mass shooters are, but in this case, you gotta face reality.
    Or not, as you wish.

  19. But being an immigrant fron Syria makes less likely that he was "White"....

    Semites, including Jews, are considered White. Sorry that your ignorance is showing.

  20. "Whiteness", as a concept, has more to do with whether or not your particular ethnicity is considered to be members of the ruling class.

    In the 1920s, Jews, Italians and Slavs were not considered to be "white". In the 19th Century, the Irish weren't considered to be "white" and neither were Catholics. To be "white" was to be a "WASP".


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