Monday, March 22, 2021

Just Going to Leave These Here

Remember: Punctuation saves lives! 


  1. And it wasn't even their best.

  2. Chainsaws could be used to cut up logs for bonfires by people not smart enough to cut them up beforehand.

  3. In Humboldt County Ca. at least, huge logs wash up every rainstorm coupled with a high tide. There are hundreds of cords of Redwood and Douglas Fir ready for burning. I lived off Beachwood myself for years. All it takes is a truck that can get to the logs and of course a chainsaw.
    I guess they didn't want to stop the driftwood collectors and small beach fires.
    And yes, the wood was salt loaded and sand loaded, but it burned, and back then old beach saw chains were plentiful to me.
    Free wood is to be appreciated.

  4. Heh heh heh, I've got one of those 18 volt Stihl battery bread n' butter saws ...


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