Sunday, August 2, 2020

Yeah, Just the Flu. My Ass, It is.

The list of lingering maladies from COVID-19 is longer and more varied than most doctors could have imagined. Ongoing problems include fatigue, a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, achy joints, foggy thinking, a persistent loss of sense of smell, and damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, and brain.
A paper this week in JAMA Cardiology found that 78 of 100 people diagnosed with COVID-19 had cardiac abnormalities when their heart was imaged on average 10 weeks later, most often inflammation in heart muscle. Many of the participants in that study were previously healthy, and some even caught the virus while on ski trips, according to the authors.
Brown, Zandi, and colleagues described 43 people with neurologic complications this month in Brain; many had been hospitalized during their acute infection, but not always for long—and for some, neurologic problems were their most debilitating symptom and the reason for hospital admission.
In summary, this is some serious shit, people. Even if you get it and you think that you've gotten over it, the potential is there for some long-term damage that can seriously fuck up the rest of your life.

Still think it's just the flu? Back up your bullshit with deeds and sign the Covid Waiver. I'll bet that there is not a single person who has.


  1. There is, M, a growing pool of potential donors.

  2. We're playing American Roulette; it's like Russian Roulette, only you don't put just one cartridge in the cylinder. Instead you fill the cylinder, then pull one cartridge out, spin the cylinder and see if you get 'lucky'.

  3. Sure, we're dropping like flies, but don't forget that we've got- unlike Yurp or China or trump's bff Mother Russia- exceptionalism, liberty, freedumb and over 300 million guns. USA- fuck yea! If only COVID-19 was a 'bad guy' instead a virus. Then we'd show it some serious firepower. Lock and load, virus in the open! USA, we bring a gun to a pandemic.

  4. “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” - Isaac Asimov

  5. Isaac was a pretty smart guy

  6. Just remember feelings are more important than facts.
    My feelings are more important than your truth or the facts.

    Actually Ten Bears, since lungs are so often damaged there's a
    shortage of usable lungs. The usual prime source is motorcycle
    riders who don't wear helmets. They also believe they are

    CP- ya beat me to it.


  7. Eck!, guilty, at one time, of riding without a helmet...but my license has the organ donor endorsement.

  8. CP,

    I was young once too. Stopping a large Bee to the forehead
    at 60mph was enough to convince me that self protection was
    not at all a bad idea. Hard skull, malleable brain.

    Stay safe.


  9. Eck!, there’s an “understood” stupid in there too. I did wear a leather skullcap and googles, but a helmet was too much for young and dumb me. For states with helmet laws back then, I had a thin tub with a fake DOT sticker and “Bad Cop, No Donut” on each side. Spent a lot of time riding with several others, which helped visibility, but I’d be much more scared riding today. Even bought into “Loud Pipes Save Lives” enough that my low frequency hearing on the right side isn’t up to scratch anymore. Of course, that was 20 years ago I’m one of the mild bunch, staying inside and keeping away from this pestilence of stupidity, vitriol and virus. Of course, depending on November, staying safe may not payoff.

  10. After you break a helmet while wearing it, you won't ride without one any more.
    Or wear a cheap one. I did that while at a sanctioned motocross race in Oregon when I was fourteen. After that, I wore middle of the line Bells pretty much exclusively.
    While I rode the one and only street bike I ever owned, I wore a regular Bell full face model, and was quite happy with it.
    When you race, if you don't fall down in practice, you're not pushing yourself hard enough, so my helmets and the rest of my gear were serviceable and employed regularly, and I never required any medical attention from anything that happened while riding a motorcycle.
    Bicycles, on the other hand, sent me to the ER twice, as back in the early seventies, nobody wore bicycle helmets.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. So ya, self isolation and PPE are my modern helmet. I'm still a bit
    of a teenager [I still lust for a honda 450] but falling off a bike
    is lower risk usually and somewhat more controllable than some random
    bug being spread by some karen or chad that refuses to keep their

    If I had to go to the store I think a proper knob end gnarly wood
    cane would be a fine fashion accessory for measuring distance and
    assert maintaining it. Anyone complains, I need it, motorcycle
    accident. [and they slowly back away...]


  12. What's funny is that all those years I resisted helmets I was working in the woods, wouldn't get out of the truck without a hard hat on.


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