Monday, August 24, 2020

Why Any Rational Person Would Be Wary of the Coronavirus Vaccine

First Trump lambastes the FDA for following scientific protocols instead of his whims:

Then, all of a sudden, the FDA issues emergency authorization to use convalescent plasma to treat COVID cases.
On the eve of the Republican National Convention, Trump put himself at the center of the FDA’s announcement of the authorization at a news conference Sunday evening.
The implication that Trump is putting out is he the one who is pushing stuff out in defiance of things such as trials and evidence. Nobody can be assured that Trump won't have twisted the FDA's arm to approve a vaccine before the testing is finished and the results evaluated.

In other words, Trump will pull a Putin if he can.

So why did Trump make a Sunday announcement? Possibly because he was trying to drown out the coverage of his sister's calling Donnie a cheat and a liar. One of the more telling things is that his sister basically said that she doesn't want that asshole to speak at her funeral.


  1. The intersection of intelligent persons and Trump fans is a null set.

  2. DA, yep that is a fact!

    So hes pushing another tried but unproven treatment, convalescent plasma.
    We have no significant testing or data that says its safe nor effective.
    The testing so far is small groups, selected patients, and all over
    the map amounts.

    Many problems its extracted from people that have had covid. Not all are
    able or willing to donate. The demand exceeds the supply. Also the
    quality and value of any one donation is questionable. Its currently a
    last ditch based on earlier work where it both proved useful and also
    proved useless depending on the targeted bug.

    In short Drumpf does not care if or how he kills people so long as
    it makes him look good.


  3. Here in Virginia, the State Public Health Director has come out stating that he will implement mandatory vaccinations once one is available (he apparently has that power during a “public health emergency”).

    Obviously, government employees and school kids are the easy targets for this endeavor.....but he failed to specify how the general public would be forced to receive the vaccination.

    I can’t wait to be told to get an unproven, fast-tracked, politically motivated vaccine........./sarc

  4. What I see as fucked up about both the plasma and the vaccine is that either or both of them might actually work well and be safe to use, but we won't know if he short-circuits the testing and basically tests them on the general population.
    Just one more example of an institution or practice that he's managed to undermine any and all confidence we once had in.
    You know, like the DOJ, state department, FDA, EPA, IG's, and pretty much everything else within swinging distance of his meat axe.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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