Saturday, May 30, 2020

Pro Tip for Clueless Idiots

Everybody, or almost everyone over the age of seven, has a video camera in their pocket.
A Minnesota venture capitalist has lost his job and had his office lease terminated after he was accused of racially profiling a group of black entrepreneurs in a video that went viral on social media.

Tom Austin, who ran the F2 Group, was filmed asking a group of five black men about whether they were tenants of the MoZaic East building on Lagoon Avenue in Uptown Minneapolis.
This is akin to Central Park Karen, who persisted in acting ignorantly even though she knew that she was being taped.

There once was a saying about "showing somebody the courtesy due an armed man."

It is probably high time that we all start treating each other with the same degree of courtesy and respect with which we would like to be treated.

For a viral video can fuck up your life almost as badly as a bullet.

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