Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Is the Combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Adderall Rotting Trump's Brain?

Because potato rustlers are a big deal in Virginia?

That man is not right in the head.


  1. Seriously, where are all the defenders of Trump that regularly contribute? C'mon, I really, REALLY want to see them try to defend him on this. The real TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is not in those of us that criticize. Rather, you have to be deranged in order to keep siding and sticking up for this guy. I'm guessing at least 91,150+ would disagree with them.


  2. B was on record saying that he thought that the coronavirus was a hoax, and he wouldn't believe it was a matter for concern until the death toll hit 300K. We're only a third of the way there.

  3. It's been my contention since it slithered down the escalator it's just an accurate reflection of your average "America": a meth-head. Deep in the meth psychosis. Addled.

    Yes, it.

  4. He also asked the farmer if he grew Idaho potatoes, but he didn't ask how many acres of french fries he grew.

  5. I guess the fact that millions of pounds of potatoes are sitting around in piles going bad because there's no way to sell them must mean they need guarding.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  6. He can shoot a hundred people on 5th Avenue in broad daylight. That's OK...you expect it even, given all the action shooter movies and games. But potatoes?
    Wipe the drool off his chin and give him a Mr. Potato to play with, you know, the guy from Toy Story.....
    I bet Hitler and Mussolini never lost it over potatoes. Maybe this could be a test to see if you've got the right stuff to be a dictator.
    He's lost the Five Guys vote for sure.

  7. Potato important, goes with hamberder.


  8. There was that one farmer in Idaho who was distraught at not being able to sell his crop and put a giant pile of them out and said "Please come and get them", after which each and every one of them disappeared.
    And now, potato growers in Washington state are sitting on a billion pound surplus that would normally be processed into french fries and hashbrowns, so they're giving them away in brown sacks, 100,000 pounds at a time.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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