Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Collapse: Air Travel Ed.

On March 1st, 2,280,522 passengers went through TSA checkpoints. A year ago, 2,301,439 did. Yesterday, 244,176 people went through, compared to 2,615,691 a year ago.

And that is high cotton compared to last month. On April 14th, only 87,534 went through, which was less than 4% of the passengers from the same day a year ago.

(Data here)

Mind you, the air travel network has not been shut down. This is a combination of coronavirus and the fact that people aren't traveling for work or pleasure for economic reasons.

I don't know if that's going to change anytime soon. I should have been on a trip this week that was canceled. It would have be nice it I had a small van; I could have put a chemical biffy in it, food and beverages and then just stopped for gas every few hundred miles.

But who knew?


  1. Not as good as flying it in a light aircraft. But without a medical, who can you rely upon to fly it? I know a number of pilots who could fly me, but I’m not confident enough on their exposure to be sitting in a small cabin with them. However, after this is over, there may be a small resurgence in business use of light aircraft.

  2. NPR had a story this morning about FLIBs shooting landings at normally busy airports, like CLT and JFK.


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