Tuesday, March 17, 2020

For the Love of [_________], Mr. President, STFU!

The arrow on the left shows the Dow Jones Industrial Average when Trump's news conference began earlier today.

The arrow on the right is the DJIA when the news conference ended. Maybe Trump can sign this one and send it out to his supporters.

The market has spoken: It does not trust Trump. He needs to shut up, sit in his office and let the pros do the talking; the people who understand science and medicine.

And that goes for Mike "the Fluffer" Pence, too.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you hadn't called Pence a fluffer. Not that it's inappropriate, but I tried to imagine what that would look like, and now I can't un-see it.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank


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