Monday, February 17, 2020

Republicans May Get What They Wish For

While a shitload of former DoJ employees are criticizing Billy Bob Barr for politicizing criminal cases, you can bet your basement that Republicans are lining up to defend ol' Billy.

Here's the thing: If Republicans allow Trump to get away with normalizing a president's use of the Department of Justice as a political tool to bring criminal charges against opponents, then they should fully expect that the next Democrat to be president will not hesitate to use that tool against them.


  1. I've been pointing that out since the Cheney Administration. Nobody listens.

  2. Your belief that there will be another Democratic administration is touching.

  3. Yep, you are exactly right.... Where were you when the DOJ and the IRS were being weaponized against conservative groups by the previous administration? (and I won't mention the whole server-in-a-closet person who skated)

  4. Steve, the Pendulum swings back and forth. At some point, if not this election cycle, the DNC types will be back.

    If you think otherwise, then you are a fool.

  5. It's apparently a complicated issue when you are considering the prosecution of previous administrations, and I understand that. The use of the criminal justice system against one's political opponents is definitely some banana republic shit.
    But I still contend that the lack of consequences for Republican presidential misbehavior is a big factor in how we got this far away from the observation of the rule of law. Nixon was pardoned. Reagan was never tried for Iran/Contra. George W. Bush and his crew may have travel restrictions, but otherwise tortured with impunity.
    Why should any other Republican president believe he would face any consequences for his behavior? What Republican crime could rise to the level of "must be reined in" if torture didn't?

    -Doug in Oakland


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