Monday, February 17, 2020

"OMG, Scary Black Man!!" (plus some tab clearing)

So a young black man on a trip with his college swim team steps off the team bus to stretch his legs. The next thing he knows, he's down on the ground, with a gun barrel pressed to his head, because the local cops were looking for a black man and, well, just any one would do.

Meanwhile, in Cincinnati, a police captain, who was driving while drunk, tried to use her blue pass to get out of it. Her hubbie, also a cop, got upset when the officer who pulled them over wouldn't let them go. Kudos to the arresting officer for not accepting the blue pass.

1 comment:

  1. The cops really don't like the law being applied to them, do they? Good thing for them the arresting officer wasn't a hothead like the husband. On second thought, why not?


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